Wednesday, October 21, 2015


In Roxanne Gay's essay Bad Feminist she talks about how she feels as though she is not a good feminist. Feminism by definition is the political, social, and economical equality of the genders.  It is called feminism because women are the ones being suppressed. Many people say they are not feminists but they believe in the equality of the genders. They do not realize that they are the exact same thing. People do not want to admit that they are feminists because a feminist has become a stereotypical type of women: angry, independent, and man-hating. Gay states that "essential feminism suggests anger, humorlessness, militancy, unwavering principle, and a prescribed set of rules for how to be a... proper, white heterosexual, feminist woman". Gay tells that she feels she is a bad feminist because she likes pink, she likes to wear dresses, she does know about cars, she's likes jewelry and weddings, she wants to have a baby, and is willing to make compromises in her career and writing in order to have a family. These are not the things that define someone as a feminist. Being a feminist does not mean hating men. It does not mean being able to do the things that men typically do so that you do not have to depend on men. It does not mean rejecting things that stereotypical gender rolls consider feminine. It does not mean you cannot wear make up or dresses. A feminists can be a stay at home mom, a successful educated woman, any woman, any man, any person who believes in the equally of the genders. Anyone who believes that a women should not be payed less than a man. Anyone can be a feminist there aren't any rules.                                                          

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