Friday, March 11, 2016

Understanding Comics

          In Scott McCloud's comic Understanding Comics he explains the word and picture combination that create stories. He begins this story with a young child showing a toy at show and tell. He connects this idea of show and tell to comic books since they use both words and pictures. This establishes his ethos because it connects him, a comic book writer, to his entire audience since we were all once children.
          Next he goes on to explain comic book writers. The character that is narrating this story is in fact the writer himself. This is extremely effective in establishing ethos because we are hearing these facts directly from a comic book writer. He includes the counter argument that the combination of words and pictures was not the actual definition of comics. Here he even includes an actual definition of comics. This counterargument gives him human qualities in correcting possible misunderstandings of his argument and connecting him to his audience as a person rather than making himself seem like an all knowing entity. 
          He is very good at explaining himself throughout his work. He explains different combinations of words and pictures, different balances of each, and different dependencies they have on each other. He establishes his ethos through this by providing an example showing how he himself uses these techniques. Finally at the end of his work he connects comics to alchemy. This solidifies his argument as being more fact than opinion.
          McCloud titled his piece Understanding Comics which adds pressure to explain himself well. He lived up to the title and did an excellent job explaining word and picture significance and their use in comics. He made it easy for anyone, even someone who has never read a comic, to understand the techniques and uses of words and pictures in comics. He gives us a different light on comics and makes them seem less childish than the stigma that surrounds them. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Celebrity Bodies

Celebrities are at the top of the social food chain. They are what we "normal" members of society aim to be. Everyone wants to be known. Everyone wants to famous. But the luxurious life of a celebrity is not as perfect as we expect it to be. Celebrities are held to perfect standards and if they are not wearing the latest styles or do not have to perfect body they are immediately judge by society. Celebrities suffer under the constant pressure to be perfect. They have extremely unhealthy eat habits to stay fit. They cannot leave their homes without getting all dress up. At any moment they can be seen without make up the paparazzi will snap a picture to criticize them. Celebrities are believed to be "better than us" and held to almost God-like standards. We want something to look up to we want to believe there is a perfection we can thrive for. Society has to realize that perfection does not exist it can only be photoshopped. The reality is that celebrities are only human. They are flawed just as we are. They may have more money and they may be well known but they are people. It is not fair for them to have to be perfect because we are flawed. They should be able to leave their house in sweatpants, they should be able to eat regularly, they should be allowed to live their lives as we do. Our society has created a paradox where people create celebrities to give themselves hope that perfection is possible but the pressure of perfection causes celebrities' demise.  

Friday, March 4, 2016


          A zombie is something in your life that you know exactly how to defeat but no matter how many times you beat it, it keeps coming back. My zombie is laziness. Beating laziness is simple, just do the thing you need to do. But I'm too tired, I want a snack, there's a million other things I'd rather do right now. I can beat laziness if I try but I'm too lazy to beat it. There are so many possible distraction that make laziness an easier option. Especially today with the internet at you finger tips you can basically do anything you want at any moment.
          Due to the fastness of processes done over computer our attention spans have been drastically lowered.  Reading, writing, and doing other forms of homework become more difficult since we are unable to focus. I constantly fall into the trap of distractions. I am focused on what I want to do next rather than what I am doing now therefore I can never finish want I am doing so I can get on to the next thing. Laziness is a zombie no matter how many times you shoot it down there is another zombie right behind to ready to distract you a prevent you from getting things done. I want to defeat my zombie but I'd rather do so many other things instead. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hip Hop Planent

In McBride's essay Hip Hop Planet he uses a quote from Abiodun Oyewole saying  “a lot of today’s rappers have talent. But a lot of them are driving the car in the wrong direction.” This statement is true since it began as a way for young people to  express themselves. As time went on this expression sometimes sent more negative messages. McBride states that "Today, alternative hip hop artists continue to produce socially conscious songs, but most commercial rappers spout violent lyrics that debase women and gays..the genre has become dominated by rappers who brag about their lives of crime" Oyewole was saying that these artists while expressing themselves they are sending messages that were not the original intent of rap music. They originally meant to express their own personal feelings as well as talking about social issues. Some people have turned it into violent music that degrades certain people. However rap music over all makes people feel uplifted MeBride quotes a teenage boy saying "It’s just a fantasy. Everyone has the urge deep down to be a bad guy or a bad girl. Everyone likes to talk the talk, but not everyone will walk the walk.” Rap music gives people confidence and allows them to express their own personal fantasies. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Drumpf vs. The Bern

          Donald Trump and Bernie Sander are two greatly contrasting candidates for president. This can be seen clearly in the strategies used in their speeches.
          Trump's speech is very self-centered, over confidente, and focused on current policies he does not like. He says that it is important to mention that he is self-funding his campaign he says "I don't need these people". While John Oliver reveals this is not completely true information he says this to prove his independence. He wants to show he will not be bribed or make decision based on financial deals. However his independence can be dangerous because he can do what ever he chooses without any influence from others. Trump says that politicians are the most dishonest people he's ever dealt with. This comment is interesting because its makes him seem like a victim but it also implies that he himself is dishonest. Throughout Trumps speech he repeats himself, he says a word or phrase twice rather then just once. Repetition is mostly used for emphasis on what he is saying. It makes what ever he is saying seem important despite its actual viability or relevance.  
          Sanders' speech is centered on the problems of minority parties. He uses the line "we are listening" to point out that he sees the problems that ordinary people are facing and he plans to fix them. Sanders quotes Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address which is a strong strategy. He quotes a famous and well liked president and an extremely well known speech hoping to have the same effect of that speech. Politics appeals mostly toward straight, white, christian, able bodied, male, property owners. Sanders says "enough is enough" and makes his proposals appeal to people that do not at all fit those qualities.
          Interestingly Trump and Sanders both have one strategy in common. This strategy is the use of the word "we". Both candidates use this term constant throughout their speeches. The word we connects themselves with their supporters. It makes it seems as thought the candidates ideas and plans are that of the people. It unites them together to fight for their cause. This strategy is arguably the strongest for both candidates since it is such a simple and effective way to engage and connect with the audience