Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Drumpf vs. The Bern

          Donald Trump and Bernie Sander are two greatly contrasting candidates for president. This can be seen clearly in the strategies used in their speeches.
          Trump's speech is very self-centered, over confidente, and focused on current policies he does not like. He says that it is important to mention that he is self-funding his campaign he says "I don't need these people". While John Oliver reveals this is not completely true information he says this to prove his independence. He wants to show he will not be bribed or make decision based on financial deals. However his independence can be dangerous because he can do what ever he chooses without any influence from others. Trump says that politicians are the most dishonest people he's ever dealt with. This comment is interesting because its makes him seem like a victim but it also implies that he himself is dishonest. Throughout Trumps speech he repeats himself, he says a word or phrase twice rather then just once. Repetition is mostly used for emphasis on what he is saying. It makes what ever he is saying seem important despite its actual viability or relevance.  
          Sanders' speech is centered on the problems of minority parties. He uses the line "we are listening" to point out that he sees the problems that ordinary people are facing and he plans to fix them. Sanders quotes Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address which is a strong strategy. He quotes a famous and well liked president and an extremely well known speech hoping to have the same effect of that speech. Politics appeals mostly toward straight, white, christian, able bodied, male, property owners. Sanders says "enough is enough" and makes his proposals appeal to people that do not at all fit those qualities.
          Interestingly Trump and Sanders both have one strategy in common. This strategy is the use of the word "we". Both candidates use this term constant throughout their speeches. The word we connects themselves with their supporters. It makes it seems as thought the candidates ideas and plans are that of the people. It unites them together to fight for their cause. This strategy is arguably the strongest for both candidates since it is such a simple and effective way to engage and connect with the audience

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